Roughly 25% of the population has a fear of insects and spiders. Perhaps it’s their creepy appearance. Or maybe it’s because many species can harm you. After all, they do outnumber humans 200 hundred million to one! Most people, at the very least, are not fond of these little critters.
It’s spooky season, and the experts at James River Pest Solutions thought this would be the perfect time to explore some of the scariest insects and arachnids on the face of the planet. Continue reading to learn about six terrifying creatures you never want to encounter in real life.
Halloween’s Iconic Creepy Crawlers
It’s apparent humans have an instinctual fear of bugs, whether they screech at the sight of one or simply know to keep their distance. Halloween is prime time for creepy crawlers and horrifying critters. Along with black cats and rats, there are a few iconic Halloween creatures, including moths and spiders.
Especially during October, spiders are often related to witches. No wonder spiders have such a spooky reputation—their webs are frequently found in dark places, like abandoned buildings, graveyards, and mysterious corners. Scientists and historians believe humans have an evolutionary fear of these eight-legged pests because some are very dangerous and even deadly.
A moth’s appearance isn’t too different from a butterfly’s. So, why are they often related to death, despair, and evil, while butterflies symbolize life and transformation? Perhaps it is because they are nocturnal. Or maybe it’s the chaotic fluttering that gives people goosebumps.

7 Spooky Pests from Around the World
Beware—Even the most seasoned pest specialists would get a chilling shiver down their spine if they crossed paths with the following six insects and arachnids.
1 | Camel spiders
Camel spiders were quite famous on the internet in the early months of the Iraq War. Horrifying photos of giant pale spiders with massive jaws and seemingly ten long legs circulated the web! Stories from soldiers and other sources produced many exaggerated rumors of these intimidating creatures.
For example, people believed that these ten-legged spiders would chase humans. In reality, camel spiders will follow a running person to remain in their shadow for cooling shade in the arid desert. When the person stops, so does the camel spider, as it takes advantage of the protection from the sun.
In fact, camel spiders aren’t spiders and only have eight legs. They’re also known as wind scorpions. And while they are related to scorpions and spiders, these terrifying creatures are neither. They belong to a unique family of arachnids. Furthermore, the camel spider has a set of leg-like appendages that are actually sensory organs but appear to be the fifth set of legs.
While most myths people are familiar with are false, camel spiders are relatively fast and possess a painful bite. Nevertheless, they are not venomous and are no actual threat to humans.
Their size has also been highly exaggerated. Photographs making their way around the internet were taken from particular angles to make the creature appear far larger than it is in real life. Despite all the rumors, the creepy appearance of the camel spider is sure to send shivers down your spine.

2 | Bot fly
These fuzzy bee-looking flies are truly some of the scariest insects buzzing around this planet—and not because they sting, bite, or appear intimidating. Much like the famous Alien birth scene, bot fly larvae live inside of humans and eat their way out once they mature!
Yes, you heard that right. Terrifying bot fly adults lay their eggs in the skin of mammals, like cows, rodents, horses, and even humans. The eggs are planted right below the surface of the skin and will sometimes create an ominous bump as they grow larger. When it’s time to emerge, tiny larvae eat their way out of the warm-blooded body they have infested.
Perhaps there is no other nightmare so horrifying than discovering there is a bug living in your skin. Luckily, bot flies are native to central and south America. However, they have a small population in Florida, too. It’s unlikely to be affected by bot flies in Florida, but it is still possible.
To make matters worse, the larvae produce toxic fluids that create painful pustules and sometimes cause infections. Unfortunately, if you were to discover a bot fly burrowed beneath your skin, you’ll need to have it surgically removed. Killing the bug while it’s still thriving in your body can also result in a nasty infection.
3 | The Venomous Puss Caterpillar
Puss caterpillars are fuzzy little creatures that look like tiny fluffy kittens lying on a small branch. However, don’t let its adorable appearance fool you. The puss caterpillar is the most venomous in the United States!
While it may be tempting, you certainly don’t want to pet one of these little guys. Hidden beneath the plush-looking fur are toxic spines that cause severe pain. When one of the poisonous spines pricks your skin, you suddenly feel a sting worse than that from a bee. The initial pain feels much like a bee sting. However, the sensation grows and can even make your bones ache.
Some people say a sting on the hand can radiate all the way up to their shoulder and last for 12 excruciating hours.

4 | Bullet Ant
Ants are certainly a nuisance, and some can deliver a burning and itching bite or sting. But in most cases, people do not fear tiny ants like giant spiders or slithering snakes. The bullet ant, however, is the only exception.
Bullet ants are some of the scariest insects in the world because of their serious bite that causes their victims agonizing pain. What’s more, the pain can last up to 12 hours! Some say the bullet ant delivers the most excruciating bite of any other insect worldwide. The unfortunate victims relate the sensation to that of being shot by a nail gun.
These mighty ants dwell in central and south American rainforests and can grow up to a full inch, which is relatively large for an ant. To top it all off, when one member of the colony stings, a chemical is released, signaling the other ants to sting, too!
5 | The Australian Funnel Web Spider
A bite from the Australian funnel web spider can take a human’s life in just 15 short minutes. These terrifying critters are relatively large and aggressive. They are quick to defend themselves and will not hesitate to sink their fangs into the skin of their victims.
In fact, the Australian funnel web spider’s fangs are so strong that they can break through a human’s fingernail! The good news is an anti-venom was developed in 1981. However, before the invention of the life-saving medicine, the Australian funnel web spider killed at least 13 people, seven of which were young children.

6 | The Carnivorous Amazonian Centipede
A typical centipede is already creepy enough. But the Amazonian centipede blows all others out of the water, reaching unthinkable lengths of over 10 inches. As its common name implies, this centipede consumes other insects, snails, spiders, frogs, rats, bats, and even snakes!
The Amazonian centipede has potent venom it injects into its prey. Luckily, the toxic substance is not deadly to humans. But it’s undoubtedly a bite you will not forget. Victims experience severe pain, chills, swelling, and fever.
Get Rid of the Scariest Insects and Creepy Crawlies this Fall
Fortunately, many of the above creepy crawlies are unlikely to be in your area. However, the local pests and critters we share our neighborhoods with can still be frightening. At the very least, household pests are certainly a nuisance.
Don’t let the pests squash your good times on Halloween! This spooky season, call on the experts at James River Pest Solutions for a routine inspection. We are the team you can trust to eliminate the most stubborn insects and arachnids.