Who doesn’t get anxious when they spot a nasty cockroach darting through their home? Perhaps you scream at the sight of one! At the very least, you likely have chills shiver down your spine. Read on to discover all the dangers of cockroaches lurking all over the world.
Humans are fearful of roaches for a very good reason. Although they won’t directly hurt you like a stinging bee or venomous spider, the dangers of cockroaches are very real.
Not to worry, James River Pest Solutions is here to provide all you need to know about creepy cockroaches. And never hesitate to reach out to our team if you are concerned about an infestation or the presence of roaches in your home.
The Dangers of Cockroaches in Virginia
There are about 4,000 different roaches worldwide with varying appearances and behaviors. Luckily, only four prominent cockroaches are found in North America: the German, Oriental, Brown-banded, and American cockroaches.
In Virginia, there are two types of cockroaches you’ll want to be familiar with:
- The American Cockroach
- The German Cockroach

All About the American Cockroach
American cockroaches are relatively large with shiny brown bodies. Most live for about 700 days, depending on environmental conditions and other factors. They are known for reproducing rapidly, making them, especially challenging to control.
Like many roaches, the American cockroach is timid and will scurry away at the sight of a human, pet, or other animals. They are nocturnal and prefer to avoid daylight, hiding in your home’s dark corners and cracks.
Outdoors, you may spot American cockroaches in damp areas, like mulch, piles of wood, and gardens. Some people know them better by their alternative common name, palmetto bugs. These roaches receive their unique name from their tendency to live on certain trees. They are attracted to moisture and abundant in sewer systems and near plumbing pipes and fixtures.
All About the German Cockroach
German cockroaches have been dwelling among humans since the beginning of civilization. This makes them resilient, adaptable, and difficult to remove from a home or establishment.
They are tan or light brown with dark stripes along their back. Additionally, German cockroaches are smaller than American cockroaches. They are abundant in urban areas, like apartments, homes, restaurants, and other buildings.

3 Dangers of Cockroaches
You are certainly not alone if you have a crippling fear of roaches. In fact, most people do. It’s practically ingrained in humans to fear them because of the dangers of cockroaches and their association with filth and disease.
Imagine one of these creepy insects darting across the living room floor while you have guests over. Many people immediately feel ashamed, embarrassed, and judged. This reaction is directly related to how humans have viewed roaches for many lifetimes. And while cockroaches are often attracted to unsanitary conditions, this doesn’t always mean the homes or establishments they invade are dirty.
So, you can take a big sigh of relief knowing the presence of cockroaches in your home doesn’t have to mean you do not clean enough.
But how dangerous are these common insects? To find out, continue reading.
1 | Roaches and Disease
One of the most significant dangers of cockroaches is that they spread disease and harmful bacteria. Roaches spend much of their time in grimy conditions. They are often spotted in sewers, trash, near animal feces, and other unsanitary, bacteria-covered locations.
Fortunately, these common pests have never been solely responsible for specific outbreaks. However, they do play a role in spreading some awful illnesses, including:
- Diarrhea
- Dysentery
- Cholera
- Leprosy
- Typhoid fever
- Food poisoning
Furthermore, you don’t have to come in direct contact with one to be at risk of the dangers of cockroaches. They leave behind urine, feces, saliva, and other fluids that can spread diseases they carry to humans. Their shed skins and eggs can also transmit bacteria and illness.
Unfortunately, if there is a roach- or a few- scurrying around your home, it can contaminate anything. If you have babies, young children, or individuals with weak immune systems in your household, the dangers of cockroaches are even more of a threat to their overall health. The illnesses listed above can have dramatic effects on these people.
2 | Do Cockroaches Bite?
Although it’s very rare, roaches can bite humans. Often, cockroaches will flee before they encounter a human. They are not typically aggressive, which is why bites are incredibly uncommon. If roaches bite, it is more likely to occur when a person is asleep.
Roaches do not sting or produce poison. But they have heavy spines on their legs that can scratch your skin. The tiny wounds left behind can easily become infected by the cockroach’s disease and bacteria.
3 | Roaches, Allergies, and Asthma
Diseases, harmful bacteria, infected scratches, and rare bites aren’t the only dangers of cockroaches people should be familiar with. Roaches are also a significant trigger for allergies and can agitate asthma symptoms.
Almost 30 percent of the United States population is allergic to the protein German cockroaches produce. The allergen can be found on the roach and in its saliva, shed skin, and waste. Some sources say cockroaches are one of the most common triggers for indoor allergies. Furthermore, children tend to be more sensitive to roaches, which is especially alarming because severe asthma will hospitalize kids.
Symptoms of sensitivities to cockroaches are similar to other seasonal and indoor allergies:
- Rashes
- Sneezing
- Itchy and watery eyes
- Respiratory complications
Preventing the Dangers of Cockroaches at Home
The dangers of cockroaches can truly be present anywhere. In fact, most American homes have had at least one roach hiding away at some point, meaning contamination is likely.
But don’t let this alarm you too much. As mentioned, cockroaches have been living among humans for thousands of years. And there are many ways to prevent these nasty insects and the health threats they bring.
Where Do Roaches Hide?
The first thing you should know about cockroach prevention is where roaches may hide away in your home or business. Unfortunately, they are skilled hiders, often tucked away in small areas. They are also attracted to moist conditions, which is why you may notice them frequently in the bathroom or kitchen near plumbing fixtures.
If you are concerned about roaches in your home, check the following locations:
- The kitchen and bathroom
- In wall cracks
- Under sinks
- Inside drains
- Around the water heater
- Behind appliances, like the refrigerator
- In the pantry
- Beneath stacks of old papers or cardboard
Cockroach Prevention Tips
Indeed, cockroaches can be just about anywhere indoors. That’s why it is wise to implement continuous cockroach prevention methods. Being proactive is the best way to avoid infestations and the potential dangers of cockroaches.
The following tips will help you maintain a roach-free home:
- Seal any cracks and damages to the home’s structure, including walls, doors, windows, and floors.
- Address plumbing issues immediately, like leaking pipes.
- Keep the damp areas of your home as dry as possible, like the bathroom and kitchen.
- Ensure trash bins are tightly sealed.
- Store food in airtight containers.
- Rinse off dirty dishes immediately.
- Do not leave pet food or animal feed out and exposed.
- Sweep, vacuum, and mop often.
- Wipe down countertops and other surfaces regularly.
- Thoroughly clean under appliances and undisturbed furniture at least once a year.
Get Rid of Cockroaches with James River Pest Solutions
Cockroaches are the last pest you want creeping around your home or business.
James River Pest Solutions is the company to call when you spot these filthy critters! We know just how to eliminate each and every one. Plus, we’ll ensure you have all the expert tips and tricks to keep them from returning.
Call James River Pest Solutions today and rest easy knowing your home or business is pest-free!