We Can Help Keep Pests Out Of Your Home
When the warmer air returns to the beautiful state of Virginia, the critters begin to move around and prepare their homes for winter. Many insects and pests are, in fact, quite active in the summer months. But if you aim to keep pesky insects and critters out of your home this summer, you are in the right place.
In the summer months, insect populations are growing. The humidity levels actually help many insects to thrive! That is why we feel it imperative to inform our neighbors about how to keep pests out of your home in the warm and inviting summertime.
Maintain pest control year-round with a pest control maintenance program by James River Pest Control. Then when those lazy days of summer come around, you will not have to be chasing the critters out!
The More Common Bugs in the Virginia Summer
As the summer comes to a close, many of the summer insects will die off or retreat to overwinter. Warm weather means these creatures are ready to nest, forage, and repopulate their population. And that is not good news for homeowners. But you sure do not want to live with bugs until that time.
When these pests want to come in for the afternoon heat or in search of a nesting spot, they may just decide to make your home the ideal place. In these warm summer months, the more prevalent and bothersome insects include the following:

No one has to tell you if there is a mosquito issue in your area. Those tiny buggers are painful and relentless. When the summer months roll around, the mosquitos are in full force. Especially if you are outside at dusk, insect repellant is needed.
When temperatures rise anywhere above 68 degrees, mosquitos are sure to be flying and buzzing in your ear. But they spread disease as well as annoy and hurt us.
Keep mosquitos out of your home any ard with suggestions from James River Pest Solutions.
Bees, Hornets, and Wasps
When the flowers are in full bloom, and the temperatures are warm, you can bet the stinging insects are about their job busily collecting pollen and distributing it all over. After all, when the nectar is plentiful, they can eat to their tiny hearts’ desire!
Spotting a stinging insect infestation:
- Hearing that familiar buzzing sound outside.
- An excess of flowers in the yard or your garden will surely attract them.
- Hives spotted are a sure sign of activity. That is when you can walk around and investigate to see if there are more.
These buzzing insects are some of our planet’s beneficial insects. So we do not want to eliminate them entirely. Instead, let’s encourage them elsewhere. The key is to make sure your house and home are under a pest solution plan, so you never have to worry about them at all.
House Flies
Flies are one of the flying insects that overwinter each year until the spring and summer. Ever wondered where the flies go and why they swarm at other times? Overwintering is the cause of the lack of flies seen in colder months.
If you spot flies getting into the house, there is cause for concern. Although they do not bite or sting, they can cause a great deal of damage. Actually, flies are a significant risk to your health and that of your family. Flies are notorious for landing on rotting food, trash, decaying plants, fecal matter, and leftover food remnants. There these flies will pick up trace amounts of parasites and harmful bacteria on their legs and bring them right into your home!
The first step is to be aware of the signs of a fly infestation:
- Stagnant pools of water around your home with larvae swimming around- get rid of them.
- A surplus of flies swarming bright lights in or around your home- keep the doors and windows shut and use the screens.
- Should you see maggots or eggs in exposed or pantry foods, call for help and get that food outside!

Fondly, you may remember stories of the ants that toil all day in the hot sun preparing for the wintertime. If you have considerable mounds in your yard or creeping ants in your kitchen, the fondness will die out quickly!
It is true- ants are looking for food and shelter with a place to store their summer harvests. And they slow or go into the ground in the winter months. So, if you notice an ant infestation beginning to form, get ready to exterminate!
Signs to look for indicating an ant infestation:
- Sawdust piles accumulating near small cracks or holes in the structure of your home.
- Trails of what looks like sawdust, dirt, sand, or soil.
- Rustling sounds in the walls of your home.
- And, of course, active ant hills in the yard.
Furthermore, the Carpenter ant is a real threat to Virginia’s homes. These ants nest inside walls and, like termites, can do a whole lot of damage to the structure of your home- real fast.
Did you know that wood-eating termites will destroy an entire home? When wood-eating termites awaken hungry from their winter slumber, you’d better believe they will make a meal of any wood they can get to.
Spotting the termites before they do damage is critical:
- Small holes in the home’s structure indicated termite activity.
- Crumbing drywall should be another sign.
- Wings lying on a window sill is another possible sign.
- Are the beams of the house or the walls hollow-sounding? Call for help.
Termites are nothing to joke about. They take a professional pest solutions expert to eliminate the bugs completely. Be sure to take every precaution to avoid termite infestation with a termite plan and bond.
It can be commercial to see someone with a fear of spiders- until it happens to you! No one wants to find a spider in their home. That said, spiders can be beneficial to homeowners. You see, spiders prey on other pests like the ants and flies mentioned in the above paragraphs.
Still, you do not want to bunk with spiders at night.
Here are some of the signs you may have a full spider infestation in your home:
- Signs of spider activity in the dark and damp areas of your home.
- Spotting the silky egg sack of a female spider or thousands of tiny spiders crazily running around.
- And increase in the number of webs on the exterior of your home.
Rats and Mice
A scurrying furry critter in the home is unwelcome and alarming. But if you see them more and more in and around your home, they have probably been hiding for the winter for quite some time. Not to mention, they are hungry and ready for mating season.
Look for the following signs of rodent activity in your home:
- Chew marks on the furniture or walls in your home.
- Damaged wiring in your home, walls, and attic.
- Unsightly mouse or rat droppings throughout your home.
- Scratching sounds in the walls or coming from the ceiling.
- Odd behavior in your pests as they spot a rodent scurrying around.
Rodents carry diseases that put you and your family at risk. Like flies, much of their lives are spent in bacteria and parasite hotspots.
If you find a rat, mouse, or any other rodent in your Virginia home, reach out to James River Pest Solutions at once.
Pest Control Maintenance to Keep Pests Out of Your Home This Summer
Foil their plans with proactive measures to rid your home of unwanted pests and critters.
Prevent the pests from entering your home with the following measures:
- Seal any cracks or holes in the home.
- Cover your outdoor trash cans.
- Vacuum and sweep the house regularly.
- Eliminate any standing water sources outside.
- Keep screens and doors shut tightly.
- Never let food sit outside.
And finally, enroll in a pest solution custom-designed by our professional exterminators at James River Pest Solutions. You will be glad you did!
Keep Pests Out with James River Pest Control
No matter how hard we may try, there are times when flies, ants, and other bothersome insects find their way into our homes.
At James River Pest Solutions, we want to give you total peace of mind where the infestation is concerned. Rest assured, knowing we’ll take care of any pest problems you may currently have. Then, we’ll develop a plan for your home to keep them out all year long- and that is good news.
Call the trusted experts at James River Pest Solutions if you find pests in your Virginia home this summer season.