James River Pest Solutions Helps with Mosquito Control in Virginia
That is right, James River Pest Solutions helps with mosquito control in Virginia. And other organizations are working to control mosquitoes nationally. In fact, The American Mosquito Control Association (AMCA) issued a press release in June of 2021entitled “Fight the Bite.” Because of all things in 2021, we sure do not want to be fighting an onslaught of mosquitoes all the dangers they can bring.
In that press release, the AMCA states the three D’s to keep mosquitoes away. And they are:
“Drain: Empty out water containers at least once per week.
Dress: Wear long sleeves, long pants, and light-colored, loose-fitting clothing.
Defend: Properly apply an EPA-registered repellent such as DEET, picaridin, IR 3535, or oil of lemon-eucalyptus.”
And that is only the beginning. If you do what you can around the home, we can control the mosquito population the best we can. James River Pest Solutions fights mosquitoes along with their clients, and here is how.

Mosquitoes in Virginia
You may not know it, but mosquitoes are particularly bad in Virginia. Who are we kidding? If you live in Virginia, then you know how bad the problem is. You see, mosquitoes become active when temperatures are heading above 68 degrees in the evenings. That is any time between May and September. With food and suitable breeding grounds, mosquitoes thrive in warmer climates. Where humans and animals are, so will be those pesky insects.
Perhaps the worst part about the mosquitoes in Virginia are the diseases they spread. Yes, their bites hurt and itch for days. But there are worse things they do. Some of the diseases they spread are the following.
- Canine heartworm
- Eastern Equine Encephalitis
- Western Equine Encephalitis
- West Nile
- And Zika
What’s more, they not only harm humans, but these diseases kill many birds each year. But how do we get rid of the terrible tiny flying insects? Well, that is not so easy. But you can do your part to prevent infestation in your yard. Then James River Pest Solutions can help too.
Preventing Mosquitoes in Your Yard
To avoid an infestation where you cannot even go outside in the evening, here are a few tips to consider in and around your property and home.
- Empty birdbaths in the summer months. If the water is stagnant, the mosquitoes will lay eggs in the water. We suggest adding a movement source like a bubbler or a fountain if you really want that water feature.
- Kiddie pools left outdoors will hatch thousands of eggs if not drained after use. Not to mention, kids’ toys left outside will collect rainwater too. Be sure they are picked up each day.
- Have your gutters cleaned out? The spring showers and summer storms can really pour a lot of water into those gutters. And if tit site in the gutters due to clogs, the mosquitoes will find those puddles. Ensure all gutters and downspouts are free and clear of clogs and are dry.
- Uneven land can be a breeding ground. Is there a low spot that always seems to collect water? Maybe you have tire ruts in the yard or driveway? Any indentation in the yard will quickly become a mosquito nursery. That is not good. So, get them filled before it is too late.
- Plants hold water. When your landscaping includes pots, saucers, and plants that collect water, they can also become an excellent place for mosquitoes. Make sure you dump them daily when there is a lot of rain.
- Open trash cans collect water. Keep those lids shut so they can stay dry. Not only will it cut down on the mosquito population, but it will also help with rodents and other insects.
- Boats stored in the backyard are a perfect nursery for those baby mosquitoes. Make sure boats are cleaned, drained, and turned over if possible.
The truth is mosquitoes can lay several thousand eggs per day when she has an excellent spot to do so. Don’t even give her that chance in your yard.

Preventing Mosquito Bites
If you cannot get rid of them entirely, at least protect yourself from getting bitten. Of course, using the right insect repellent and other personal protection will discourage mosquitoes, ticks, and other biting insects from landing on you. So, here are a few things you can do to take action against mosquitoes wherever you are.
First, Remove Mosquito Habitats.
As we stated in the above paragraphs, keeping the yard free of standing water is the number one way to help yourself not get bitten. Then, if you have not spoken with your pest control team about treatments for the yard, be sure to do so as soon as possible.
Additionally, you can add one more layer of protection to your home and yard with yellow lights. Replace your outdoor lights with yellow bug lights, which attract fewer mosquitoes than ordinary lights. They are not repellents.
To Keep Them Out of the Home, Use Structural Barriers.
- Repair any gaps in walls, doors, and windows to prevent mosquitoes from entering.
- Make sure window and door screens and weather stripping are in good condition or replace them.
Then, to Avoid Getting Bitten…
- Wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and socks to keep mosquitoes away from exposed skin. And tuck shirts into pants and then into socks to cover gaps in your clothing where mosquitoes can get to your skin, especially if you are hiking in woods or parks.
- Stay indoors when there is a mosquito-borne disease warning in effect in Virginia or the state you are currently in.
- In the daytime, mosquitoes will take comfort in the shade. Stay out of shady areas, although the break from the sun feels nice.
- Dawn and dusk are when they are most active. Avoid outdoor activities at those 2 times.
And, of course, you can use EPA-registered mosquito repellents when necessary. Follow label directions and precautions closely, especially on the young and those with asthma.
The approved chemicals are DEET, Picaridin. Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus, and IR3535.

Professional Help with the Control of Mosquitoes in Virginia
The professionals at James River Pest Solutions want you to make them your mosquito and other pest control service. Homeowners can trust in our service and our technicians. Your James River service will cover the home for various pests, including ants, roaches, spiders, centipedes, millipedes, crickets, wasps, flies, pantry pests, mice, rats, and of course, mosquitoes.
When you choose us, you will know the following to be true.
- We provide estimates done right.
- Our company will work to build your trust.
- Our technicians are fully licensed and insured.
- Safety is one of our top priorities.
- Our family-owned business will welcome you into the James River Pest Solutions family.
Your home is your castle, your investment, and the shelter you cover your family in. It should not be shared with mosquitoes or any other pesky pests. James River Pest Solutions knows how to deliver just that and to help control the mosquitoes in Virginia.
Contact our team to get on the schedule for an inspection and treatment today.