Ticks are arachnids that look like small spiders. They are parasitic pests that feed on the blood of mammals, birds, and even reptiles. These tiny arachnids can be found almost everywhere there is grass, woods, or shrubs. Fun fact: they are in the same family as scorpions!
Ticks spread disease and pose a significant risk to human health and safety. Tick prevention is key to avoiding tick bites and tick-borne illnesses. Here’s everything you need to know about ticks and how to prevent tick bites in your home, yard, and even on the go.
What is a Tick?
Ticks are eight-legged parasitic pests that feed on the blood of mammals, birds, and even reptiles. They are also known as “seed ticks” because they are small and not easily seen. Ticks are arachnids (not insects) because they have two body parts (cephalothorax and abdomen), four pairs of legs, and no wings.
Ticks have intricate mouthparts that they use to suck blood, transmit disease and grow. They can be found almost anywhere there is grass, woods, or shrubs. They are most common in humid areas with tall grass. However, they can be found anywhere that people frequent as well.
Ticks are tiny arachnids that are barely visible to the naked eye. They can range in size from the size of a pinhead to a grape seed. Ticks have eight legs, two body parts and feed on the blood of humans and animals.
They have intricate mouthparts that they use to suck blood and grow. Ticks are brown, black, or red in color and may be covered in hair. However, they can change color when they become engorged.
Ticks are arachnids that can be found almost anywhere that there is grass, woods, or shrubs. They prefer to stay mostly at ground level. This allows them to cling onto grass blades and reach out to a host when it passes by.
Expect to find ticks in areas such as your lawn and garden. You can also find them in fields and in the woods. You’ll especially need be to careful about ticks when you go hiking with your pet.

Do You Have a Tick Infestation?
If you find ticks crawling on you or your family members, you may have a tick infestation on your hands. To determine if you have a tick infestation, look for the following signs:
- Tick bites – Ticks will latch onto your skin and feed on your blood, sometimes without you even knowing it. Once they bite you, they will detach and fall off at a later time. You may find a red or swollen area on your skin where the tick bit you.
- Seeing ticks in your home, on yourself, or on your pets – The most obvious sign of a tick infestation is their presence. If you are frequently pulling ticks off of yourself or your pets, you may have an infestation.
- Tick eggs – These are difficult to see because they are so small. But ticks lay eggs in areas of your home such as your furniture, carpeting, and even window sills.
Get Help with Your Tick Infestation from James River Pest Solution
Ticks can spread disease and pose a significant risk to human health and safety. Tick prevention is key to avoiding tick bites and tick-borne illnesses. If you suspect that you have a tick infestation, it’s important to take care of this problem right away. If you let a tick infestation go, you risk catching serious illnesses such as Lyme Disease.
When you need assistance in handling tick infestations, be sure to contact James River Pest Solutions for help.