Oriental cockroaches are medium-sized species of cockroach that can also be referred to as the water bug. They are mainly found in tropical environments and have adapted well to living in human homes as well. They are able to thrive in humid areas and need very little light to survive.
This insect has become more prominent in the last few years due to its ability to adapt so easily to human environments. In fact, it’s now one of the most common pest insects that homeowners need help with eradicating from their properties. Do you have an oriental roach infestation? Learn what they are, how they behave, and how to get rid of them here.
What are Oriental Cockroaches?
An Oriental cockroach is a species of cockroach that lives in tropical climates in and around residential areas. They thrive in warm environments and are commonly found in tropical countries and parts of the United States.
Oriental cockroaches are medium-sized insects that are light brown in color with darker brown markings on their backs. They are very good climbers and can scale a vertical wall with ease. They can also fly short distances and are attracted to light and wet areas. You may find them flying toward porch lights and other bright lights in your home.
The Oriental cockroach is a medium-sized species of cockroach that can grow up to around 1 inch in length. Their body is shiny and females are typically much bigger than males.
The Oriental cockroach has 3 sections on its body – the head, thorax, and abdomen. It has 6 legs with hooks on the end of them for climbing smooth surfaces. Males have large wings that cover most of their body. The wings of female roaches are shorter for this species.
Where Does Oriental Cockroach Live?
The Oriental cockroach thrives in warm and humid environments such as tropical climates and rainforests. They are commonly found in areas where there is standing water and a lack of proper drainage. These insects are able to thrive in residential areas as the warm and humid conditions are very comfortable for them.
They are commonly found in tropical regions such as Florida, California, and Texas. Oriental cockroaches are also very good climbers and can scale a vertical surface as well as crawl into narrow cracks and crevices. They love to live in warm and wet areas such as leaky basements and even under the kitchen sink. They also love to live in moist gardens, compost heaps, and unventilated bathrooms.

What is the Behavior of an Oriental Cockroach?
The Oriental cockroach is an active insect that thrives in warm and humid environments. This tropical species of cockroach loves to live in residential areas as the warm and humid conditions are very comfortable for them.
These insects are nocturnal and prefer to come out at night to feed and breed. If you see them during the day, consider this as a warning that there are likely many other roaches nearby. This species of cockroach will feed on almost anything including crumbs, sugar, grease, and even soap scum.
Signs of an Oriental Cockroach Infestation
An Oriental cockroach infestation is not a good sign. They are a common pest that spreads disease, making it important to exterminate them quickly.
An infestation can be identified by certain signs that you should always be looking out for, such as:
- One of the key signs of an Oriental cockroach infestation is the presence of droppings.
- You’ll often find their droppings in locations where they are feeding and breeding.
- They love warm and humid areas, so you’ll probably find them in bathrooms and kitchens.
- Another common sign of this pest is spotting a few Oriental cockroaches around your home.
- You may also smell a foul odor. It typically smells quite musty.
Get Help with Removing Oriental Cockroaches
Getting rid of an Oriental cockroach infestation can be done by using insecticides, insect traps, and good housekeeping practices such as cleaning up after cooking and keeping the bathroom clean and dry.
However, if you are having problems with an infestation, please contact us for help. James River Pest Solutions for help.