Extensive Argentine Ants
With over 12,000 species of ants globally, it can be challenging to determine which type of ant you have and assess the damage they could potentially create. And that is precisely why the good folks at James River Pest Solutions have added Pest ID to our list of valuable services. Educating our clients on the particular bugs they find in the home will help them decide the urgency for extermination.
Join James River Pest Solutions on a journey to set the argentine ants apart from other species of ants.
Ants are ants, right? Well, yes and no. This ant is a light to dark brown ant that is known to have massive colonies with several queens. But luckily, these ants do not have stingers and do not bite people unless provoked.
Workers-1/8 inches in length (monomorphic)
Queens-1/6 to 1/4 inches in length
Antennae: 12 segmented
The argentine ant is an invasive species from the argentine and other South American countries. They made their way here via shipping crates and goods from all over. And these non-natives will push out other ant varieties.
They will nest in various places like moist soil, under buildings, under boards, and along sidewalks. Argentine ants travel along pheromone trails created by other ants in their colony.
They all work together to build a massive tunnel system that can stretch underground for miles in a colony. In fact, one ant colony studied in Europe stretched 4,000 miles!
The Diet
These ants are omnivorous. They will eat almost anything they find, but they prefer to dine on sweets, including honeydew and oily household foods from your kitchen. And because they are drawn to eat about anything, they often walk around in decay and waste, spreading bacteria.

Preventing Argentine Ants in Your Home
If you suspect you have an argentine ant invasion going on inside your home, make no mistake. It is essential to call a professional exterminator to deal with the situation.
But to prevent them from thinking your home is a nice place to nest, take care of the outside of your home in the following ways.
- Keep your gutters free of build-up and debris, and stay pointing away from the home’s foundation.
- Repair leaky spigots and fixtures to keep excess water away.
- Clear rubbish, debris, and overgrowth from the lawn. And if there are fallen trees or rotting leaves, be sure to rake them up to keep the ants from extending their nests.
- Trim the bushes and trees away from home, so they do not touch the walls or foundation.
- Don’t bring firewood in for the colder months unless you have inspected it for ant activity.
- Seal the cracks of your home’s doors and windows, including weather stripping.
Getting Rid of Argentine Ants
Keeping ants out of the home in the first place is the best idea. Your local pest solutions expert can assist with Argentine ant exclusion and elimination outside the home. However, if they happen to invade the house, a professional should be called out right away. Baits and poisons can be toxic and often just temporary solutions, causing the ants to divert their path.
James River Pest Solutions has the answer for pest control in your home. Ants are eradicated with our years of experience and quality products. You can trust your home to our pest control solutions.
If you happen to notice argentine ants in a particular area of the home, call your local pest solutions company immediately before it gets any worse.
Contact James River Pest Solutions for all your argentine ant and pest control needs in Virginia.